Weekend Update

Hey Bookends,

It is Friday which means it is time for me to update you about my plans for the weekend. First thing first, I got a job!! This means that I will be working most weekends including Friday nights so these posts might come up really late. I start next week and am really excited. Now let us focus on this weekend.

Reading: I have barley read anything on my TBR and the end of the month is next weeks.

  • Read anything and everything possible.


  • I am going to my brother’s basketball game tomorrow


  • Homework as per usual
  • I would like to watch some movies that will be taken off of Netflix next month.
So that is all I have this weekend. Sorry this post is so short but like I said I am really hoping on reading a lot. Thanks for reading and following me on goodreads and Instagram.


Top 5 Wednesday- Suggested and Loved

Hello Bookends, it’s Wednesday so you know what that means! Another Top 5. This is a weekly meme created by Gingerreadslainey  and you can find out all the information on the goodreads page. This week we are talking about the worst love interest, however unless I am reading a romance novel to don’t particularly focus on the romance in the book, (I know I am so weird). Because I don’t and I missed last week’s Top 5 I am going to talk about books that were suggested to me that I ended up loving. Most of the books I read are recommendations from bloggers or booktubers so this is a really easy one for me. The goodreads page is linked on all of the titles.

5. Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell

This is a book that was recommended to me by one of my close friends. It is a really original and I really enjoyed it.

4. The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

This is a series which is a hit or miss for a lot of people. This was recommended by many on booktube and I really loved the story.

3. Vicious by V.E. Schwab

This is one of my most favorite books. Again another recommendation from booktube, I recommend this book to anyone who asks for a recommendation.

2. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

This is a newer book that has been hyped up all over booktube. This hype was well deserved, it was one of the best books I have ever read. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

  1. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

Do I really need to explain why this book is so great. If you haven’t  read this series yet you must. It is the best thing ever. Many of my friends recommended that I read this and when I finally did I was obsessed.

So that is all I have for this Top 5, I hope you enjoyed. I would love to hear your recommendations as well. Follow me on goodreads and Instagram to see what I am reading daily.



The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke

I gave this book 4/5 stars.

Assassin’s, pirates, and magic. If that doesn’t make someone want to read a book then I have no idea what would. I didn’t really know to expect going into this novel and I really loved it in the end. The character development was really well done, I felt as the characters grew in personalities and in knowledge. I really liked Ananna’s diction, it was very unique  and made her character feel more like a real person to me. I did think that some of the character’s actions were jut to advance the plot. I didn’t really see that character, who is very street smart, doing some of these things. The world wasn’t entirely built however there is a second book in which I hope more will take place. The ending of the book was really nice. It wasn’t a major cliffhanger yet it left me wanting more of the story. Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy, adventure books.

You can find a detailed summery of this book on goodreads.

You can purchase this book on amazon or book depository.

You can also follow me on goodreads and instagram to see what I am reading daily.

Weekly Update

Hey Bookends,

It is Monday which means it is time to update you guys on what I read over the last week. As usual I did not make my weekend reading goals but it’s ok. Let’s get to the update.

For Fun: Since I posted my Rainbowthon Wrap Up  I will be able to tell you about the progress I made on the books I started reading during that read-a-thon but didn’t finish.

  • I am 161 pages/ 35% through with The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith
  • 57% through with All In by Jenifer Barnes
  • 336 pages/ 82% through Panic by Lauren Oliver
  • and 86 pages/ 31% through Bossypants by Tina Fey

For School:

  • 274 pages. 92% through The Color Purple by Alice Walker (I’m supposed to be finished, oops)
  • and 197 pages/ 64% through with The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel

That is it for today’s update. I hope you enjoyed reading this. I would love to know what you are reading right now. Follow me on goodreads and Instagram to see what I am reading daily.

Rainbowthon Wrap-Up

Hey Bookends,

Last week, from February 7th-14th, I participated in the Rainbowthon. I did post a TBR for this wrap up, so check that out to see what I was planning on reading. Now I know when you look at the description of day one you might want to click away, but don’t worry. That is the only one that is really long, the rest are short. Also excuse my picture because I lent Illuminae out already and I only have the dust jacket.  Anyway let’s get to the wrap-up.

Day 1- I started off first day of the read-a-thon in an okay way. I had to get up warly in order to help with my school’s talent show auditions but when I got there I found out that the arrival time was pushed back. Instead of sleeping, which was really tempting, I read a good amount of my first book. As the auditions started I was able to read a couple of pages here and there between each act. When I got home my reading plans started to fall apart. As soon as I got home, which was in the early afternoon, I slept for four hours. During that whole time I could have finished the book I was reading. I did read later on that night but I didn’t finish any books.

  • 440 pages Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Day 2- The next day I had school. I wasn’t able to read when I was there but I was able to read when I got. It was a much less dramatic day than the first.

  • 159 pages Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (Finished)
  • 48 pages of The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan
Day Total- 207 pages

Total- 647 pages

Day 3- The next day was another busy school day which required all of my attention. Again I read some at home.

  • 50 page of The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

Total-697 pages

Day 4- This is the day that the actual talent show happened and I was at school from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm, that being said I was not productive.

  • None

Day 5- After school on this day I decided to push to read more than I had at least the two days before, I did succeed in that.

  • 80 pages of The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

Total- 759 pages

Day 6- So this was a very good day for reading because right after school I was taking a flight to the beach. Even though it was only a hour flight I read at every opportunity I was given.

  • 82 pages of The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

Total- 841 pages

Day 7- This was another great day for reading, I wasn’t doing much and made sure to bring my book with me everywhere.

  • 192 pages of The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan (Finish)

Total- 1033 pages

Day 8- So I found out that a great time to read is while waiting in line for rides at Disney. Yeah, that is how I read all day on this day and I find it kind of funny.

  • 159 pages of The Isle of the Lost by Melissa De La Cruz (Finish)

Total- 1192 pages

So even though I only read half of my TBR I am pretty proud of what I accomplished. The Royal We was a slower read and definitely not a read-a-thon book but I was reading it for a book club read-a-long so I had to finish it. I hope you enjoyed this update and I would love to know what you read if you participated. Follow me on goodreads and Instagram  to see what I am reading (and get sneak peaks on how I am doing on read-a-thons). Thank you for so much for reading this.


Weekend Update

Hey Bookends,

This weekend is another busyish weekend however I am trying to figure out some ways to schedule myself. Anyway let me tell you about my weekend.


  • I am hoping to finish The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith
  • I am also hoping to start my next book and get halfway through it
  • I need to finish The Color Purple by Alice Walker for school


  • I am working on my yearbook spread with my advisor on Saturday
  • I will go watch my brother play basketball
  • I want to catch up on some blogs I’m following
  • I want to catch up on youtubers I am following
  • I need to write a couple of blog posts
  • I also want to clean my bathroom

So that is all I can think of for this weekend. I am sorry that this post may be boring but it is my weekend. Follow me on goodreads and instagram to see what I am reading daily. Thanks for reading.


Wild Magic by Cat Weatherill

I gave this book 4/5 stars.

I bought this book randomly on Book Outlet, I believe (I am a sucker for pretty book covers), and am really surprised by the story. The plot is inspired by the story of the pied piper, which I though was a really unique aspect. It takes a fantasy twist which is amazing but the other twist through out the book were also great and unpredictable. Because the story was based in a fantasy world I expected to learn a lot about the world but I didn’t, there was a lack of world building. There was a lot of great character development in this book however there is one character whom just changes, not developed, and whom I believe should have developed more. Overall for a middle grade novel I thought that it was good, it did have some dark aspects but I know that some younger people like those things. I would recommend this book to any younger audience who wants to get into fantasy novels.

You can find a full summery of this book on goodreads.

You can purchase this book on amazon or book depository.

You can also follow me on goodreads and instagram to see what I am reading daily.

Soundless by Richelle Mead

I gave this book 4.5/ 5 stars.

This was a great book to star the new year with. The plot line of the story was really thoughtful and imaginative. This is described as a fantasy novel however there is only a little bit of fantasy at the very end, I would consider this more of a contemporary/ adventurous novel. In this book the people of a shut off village can not hear and are starting to go blind. There is now way down the mountain they live on but Fey, our main character, is determined to find a way down to get help. I really enjoyed the character development of this story. I thought that almost everyone grew and understood more of their situation. I did find this story a little harder to picture in my mind because they would all use sign language however this wasn’t a huge problem for me. My biggest problem with this book is the ending. I thought that the solution to a big problem was rushed and not explained well, I know this happens in most mythology, which this book is based off of Chinese mythology, but I thought that this would have given Richelle a great way to make the story her own. Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who likes contemporary and adventurous books.

You can find a full summery of this book on goodreads.

You can purchase this book on amazon or book depository.

Follow me on goodreads and Instagram to see what I am reading daily.



Weekly Update

Hey Bookends, I had another really crazy weekend and again wasn’t able to give you guys a weekend update. I had a good excuse though, I was on a plane. Yea, I went to Daytona Beach this weekend and spend Sunday in Disney. However this did not keep me from reading books, but those books were part of a read-a-thon. As usual my read-a-thon wrap up will come out soon so I will just update you on the books I talked about last week.

For Fun:

  • 336 pages/ 82% through Panic by Lauren Oliver
  • 86 pages/  31% through  Bossypants by Tina Fey
  • 59% through All In by Jennifer Barnes

For School:

  • 124 pages/ 42% through The Color Purple by Alice Walker
  • 197 pages/ 64% through The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel

So that is it for the update, I know that it doesn’t look like much but again that is because I don’t want to spoil you guys for the wrap-up. Those spoilers are up on my goodreads and instagram  though. Thanks for reading.

Top 5 Wednesday- Spoiled Books

Hello Bookends, it’s Wednesday so you know what that means! Another Top 5. This is a weekly meme created by Gingerreadslainey  and you can find out all the information on the goodreads page. This week we are talking about the books that were spoiled for us. Now I do have some books on this list that I will never read because of these spoilers and I have another which I am hoping to forget so I can read the book.

5. All In by Jennifer Lynn

So I will admit that I asked my book club advisor to spoil this book. It was the end of the month and I couldn’t make it through the book, I needed some motivation to continue reading. I got some good information and will continue reading it.

4. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

This is another one that I asked someone to tell me the details about. Hype was surrounding this series and I just wasn’t into the whole idea. One of my friends asked me if I wanted to know so I said yes.

3. Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

Now I went to see the movie before I read the books when I was little so I was spoiled for a huge death.

2. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

So we had to do a speech about books in speech class (I don’t remember the exact prompt) and someone talked about this book and decided to tell us the ending. I want to read the book so bad but it may be ruined for me forever.

  1. Allegiant by Veronica Roth

I am still really mad about this spoil from two years ago. I was in the middle of this book and I was talking about my favorite character with one of my friends and she told me “Don’t get too attached” and I knew then what happened.

So that is my post about the books which were spoiled for me. What books were spoiled for you guys? Follow my goodreads and Instagram to see what I am reading daily. Thanks so much for reading.