The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke

I gave this book 4/5 stars.

Assassin’s, pirates, and magic. If that doesn’t make someone want to read a book then I have no idea what would. I didn’t really know to expect going into this novel and I really loved it in the end. The character development was really well done, I felt as the characters grew in personalities and in knowledge. I really liked Ananna’s diction, it was very unique  and made her character feel more like a real person to me. I did think that some of the character’s actions were jut to advance the plot. I didn’t really see that character, who is very street smart, doing some of these things. The world wasn’t entirely built however there is a second book in which I hope more will take place. The ending of the book was really nice. It wasn’t a major cliffhanger yet it left me wanting more of the story. Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy, adventure books.

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