A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

I gave this book 4/5 stars.

A Court of Thorns  and Roses is a beauty and the beast retlling. Now before you click away let me tell you why this retelling is different from all of the others. You do not feel like you are reading a fairy tale while reading this book. I didn’t really think of beauty and the beast at all while reading it, when I look back it is a clear retelling, but Maas took a lot of creative liberties which I really enjoyed. This book is about a world in which humans are separated from fae, who use to be their overlords and after some risky actions our main character Feyre ends up being forced to live with the fae. Going into this book I was afraid that it was overhyped and I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as everyone else did, I was pleasantly surprised. This is a fast paced action novel with a bit of romance thrown in there. In fact one of my only complaints is that the romance in this book is a bit… detailed… for a young adult novel. I personally wasn’t offended by it, but I can imagine a younger person reading this book and becoming a little uncomfortable. The character development of this book was amazing, I started off by disliking many of the characters and then grew to love them. The world building was also magnificent and well detailed. There were times that I thought that Feyre did something incredibly stupid but it would turn out to be in her favor. Overall I loved this book and believe that it is well worth all of the hype. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in fairytale retellings and adventurous novels.

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